The low-down on Frybread.

The low-down on Frybread.

In today’s blog we are pairing up Frybread Fuzz and bass to explore a wide world of low-down, dirty, goodness. Join us as we dial in everything from pushed amp sounds to ferocious fuzz.  


0:00 - 0:42 Add a little something to your thumping.

 To begin our journey, we will leave the Fuzz control all the way down and use the Fry (volume) and Bread (tone) controls to sculpt a low gain, pushed power amp sound. This tone is reminiscent cranking a clean amp to the point where distortion starts to naturally occur.


0:43 - 1:30 Turning up the heat.

Now let’s crack open that fuzz control and really get things cooking. With the fuzz control dialed in around 11 o’clock our clean tone seems like a distant memory. Our sound is now much more aggressive but still responds nicely to our playing dynamics, meaning the more you dig in the meaner it gets.


 1:31 - 2:31 Now we’re cooking with grease.

Increasing the fuzz control a little more results in a creamy saturated tone that’s both harmonically rich and smooth. This setting produces nearly infinite sustain while retaining enough clarity to articulate complex chords.


 2:32 - 3:19 Fuzz around and find out.

Lastly, let’s crank the gain and see what kind of madness we can dial up. With the fuzz control wide open, we get gated, obliterated fuzz. Sustained notes generate a complex blooming effect while faster playing results in interesting choppy, Velcro-like, anomalies that add a ton of flavor to your sound.


If you’re tired of fuzz pedals that only do one sound the Frybread Fuzz might be just what you’ve been searching for.

Let’s make some noise!

Now that we’ve explored the possible, let’s go and create the impossible. Visit here for Frybread Fuzz.


The many flavors of Frybread.


Frybread Fuzz.