Makoyii - A Story of Resilience


Makoyii (mah-koy-ee) pays tribute to my grandfather, Edwin Running Wolf, who embodies the perseverance of the Blackfeet Nation (Amsskaapipiikuni). Makoyii is the Blackfeet translation meaning wolf. The running wolf is both resilient and steadfast. The resilient withstand and overcome challenges, while the steadfast know their purpose and refuse to give up. The artwork features the running wolf persevering through the unforeseen conditions of night.

Edwin Running Wolf


Edwin Running Wolf saving an eagle on Blackfeet land.


My grandfather, Edwin Running Wolf, served a majority of his career in law enforcement before shifting to protect Tribal Wildlife. He has always known his purpose and even today, he works as a spiritual leader on our reservation to further strength our Blackfeet community.


Edwin Running Wolf and Mike Trombley (NativeAudio Founder)


During the late 90’s, my grandfather lost his daughter. She was a Missing Murder Indigenous Woman (MMIW). My family fought to bring justice but unfortunately, as the story goes with many MMIW victims, the killer walked away without justice being served.  

A situation like this could have destroyed my grandfather but like the running wolf, knows his purpose and is resilient.

Go and Make Noise

If you’d like to learn more about the Makoyii visit here.


Megan’s Makoyii Demo


Makoyii - A Happy Accident