Makoyii - A Happy Accident


Makoyii and the Happy Accident

Makoyii is a familiar story told from a new perspective.

We set out to relaunch our Running Wolf Fuzz pedal.

We messed up and ended up wrecking our entire outlook on dirt pedals.

It’s a happy accident but we’re excited to share the discovery with you.

Compressed Cleans

Gain Setting: Gain at minimum enhances your clean signal by adding compression and sustain.

Our take: Ditch your compressor. Compressors suck the life out of your signal. Makoyii in this setting retains playing dynamics and breathes life into an otherwise boring, clean signal.


Jangly Grit

Gain Setting:  Gain at 9 o’clock introduces some grit into your signal but maintains clarity on the highs.

Our take: Jimi cleans in a box. Think germanium fuzz with the guitar’s volume rolled back. We like this setting as an always-on tone — it’s fun.


Tight Crunch

Gain Setting: Gain at 12 o’clock tightens up the low end and provides more gain, blurring the lines between overdrive and distortion.

Our take: Ditch the full stacks. At this stage, you’re in classic rock territory. We love this setting for a multitude of overdrive and distortion sounds. This is really where the touch sensitivity of the Makoyii shines.


Sustained Leads

Gain Setting: Gain at 3 o’clock reaches the perfect distortion tone for sustained leads.

Our take: Soaring leads. Your leads are soaring with the eagles at this point. A lot of musicians stack overdrives for this type of tone but the Makoyii delivers both power and sustain in one pedal.


Woolly Distortion

Gain Setting:  Gain at max provides an edge-of-fuzz tone that delivers a woolly goodness with enough high-end focus to cut through the mix.

Our take: Fuzz is a paradox. It can be hard to find a fuzz-like tone that’s musical and practical. The Makoyii is our solution. It provides the chaotic mess we love and the tonal focus needed to pop in the mix. We love it.


Go and Make Noise

If you’d like to learn more about the Makoyii visit below.


Makoyii - A Story of Resilience


Let’s start here.