Make yourself a Plate.

Let’s navigate the ether with some plate reverb!

In today’s blog, we are examining Buffalo Days’ plate setting to see how we can enhance a spooky sounding chord progression. For this example we set a high depth but vary the mix to get everything from subtle trails to shimmering, modulated reflections you can almost fall into.

0:00 - 0:10 Dry again? Try again.

We start with a few seconds of the bypass signal. It’s your basic clean tone, totally dry and kinda boring. Let’s see how much more life we can add to it with some help from Buffalo Days.

0:11 - 0:30 Subtle, not looking for trouble.

Here’s an appetizer to get us started. With the mix control set around noon, the guitar starts to take on a different personality. The edges become softer, simple chords sound more impactful, and the spaces between become more musical.

0:31 - 0:45 Wetter is better.

Let’s increase the mix control for bigger reflections and more pronounced shimmer. Here the brightness of the plate setting really starts to come alive to create the feeling of being in a large open reflective space.

0:46 - 1:27 Waaayyy our there.

Now let’s go all in and crank the mix control to get a dense, mystical reverb sound. In this setting single notes blur together, chords morph into modulating soundscapes, and simple melodies become otherworldly lullabies.

Let’s make some noise!

Now that we’ve explored the possible, let’s go and create the impossible. Visit here for Buffalo Days.


More room for bass.


Buffalo Days.