A work in progress.

Small makes it simple.

If you’re not familiar, NativeAudio is currently a two-person operation. Although this leaves everyone with a ton of responsibilities and wearing multiple hats in the biz, the small team doesn’t require much shop space.

Since we don’t require much space, NativeAudio headquarters has primarily been ran out of my basement. The current setup is fine but we’re thinking it’s time for something fresh. We started this week with doing some in-shop renovations and it’ll continue into the new year.

Plans and more plans.

We have a long road ahead but have some fun plans for the new and updated space that includes a better shop layout for production and a space for creating demos.

The new shop layout will streamline our production from circuit board to shipping. It’s kind of been a jumbled mess since we’ve moved into the basement, but the new update will allow us to get more pedals completed without having to go on a manhunt for parts and supplies.

The new demo space is also going to be great for friends that visit the shop and for the new content we’re looking to share with the world! We always have friends in the Dayton area that stop by to try out new prototypes and current pedals in the line, sharing their feedback and tones with the team. The demo setup will make things cozy for a nice cup of coffee and space to share tones. 

Also, the space will simplify our recording setup so that we can share more NativeAudio videos with you. It’s always a joy working demo peeps and we’ll continue, but we’d love to share the story and sound of NativeAudio with you directly. Our videos will expand beyond guitar, and we’ll also look to share the stories of NativeAudio in a cool and unique way.

Can’t wait.

It’s a work in progress but it’ll be worth it. Can’t wait to share the final product with you.


Small biz, big dreams.


Hello, Two Medicine. Hello, Wilderness.