Two Medicine - The Full Blackfeet Story

Two Medicine Lake, Montana

Two Medicine

Stories like the one you’ll read today were handed down from generation to generation. My hope today is to breathe life back into the history of our Blackfeet Nation.

Two Medicine is one of the few locations in Glacier National Park that still holds its original Blackfeet name. Following the establishment of Glacier National Park, many Blackfeet landmarks were renamed, diminishing the history of our people.

As you read the story of Two Medicine, I hope that you see this location different after today. Two Medicine has always been and will be a special place to the Blackfeet Nation.


The buffalo no longer wandered the prairie.

The streams no longer ran full and deep.

The parched earth lay scorched.

A wave of misfortune had come to the Blackfeet Nation.


Two Medicine Lodges

Along the shore of a sacred lake, two medicines lodges had been built.

Ceremonies were held, chants were sung, and prayers were made.

Old Man, through his spirit helpers, answered the prayers.

The Blackfeet were instructed to send seven of the old and wise to Chief Mountain.

At the summit of Chief Mountain lived Wind Spirit.

It was Wind Spirit who caused the drought and must be appeased.


First Climb

The seven old and wise men traveled Chief Mountain and its summit.

When they arrived, Wind Spirit was so terrifying.

The men fled in fear.

The drought continued and the suffering increased.

The Blackfeet needed a solution.


The Brave

Old Man sent another word.

The Blackfeet were instructed to send fourteen warriors.

The bravest warriors were selected.

The brave traveled to the summit of Chief Mountain.


A Promise

Wind Spirit waited at the door of his lodge.

Bearing no weakness, the warriors approached Wind Spirit.

Wind Spirit was pleased the courage of the warriors.

He sent them home with a promise.


Happiness and Prosperity

Wind Spirit brought forth the rain.

The grass grew thick and green.

Waters and streams were replenished.

The buffalo returned.

Happiness and prosperity dwelt within the land of the Blackfeet.


Delay meets synth.


Two Medicine - Delay Made Simple